Watch Let's Go Watch Meteor Shower online free

Let's Go Watch Meteor Shower

Other name: Yi Qi Lai Kan Liu Xing Yu

Country: China

Genres: Asian Comedy Drama, Asian Romance Drama

Date aired: Aug 8, 2009 to Aug 27, 2009

Status: Completed

Views: 277,358


Chu Yuyun is a very clever and smart high school girl. Her dream is to get into the prestigious Aliceton University, in which she managed to get in with her uncle's help. Yun Hai, Duan Mu Lei, Shangguan Ruiqian and Ye Shuo are the four richest students in the university, and they became the idol of all the girls there. These guys are not happy with their lives their parents planned for them. They perform a series of pranks to get attention from the headmistress to get rid of them from the university. Unfortunately, Yuyun becomes their target. They eventually became friends through fighting and arguing. Yuyun managed to change and touched the F4 and made them the top four students of the school. Through hardship, they all grew up and learned to control their own lives, chose their own futures, and to strive for their dreams.

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